15-25.06.2023 Fotofestiwal 2023 - save the date! 15-25.06.2023 Fotofestiwal 2023 - save the date! 15-25.06.2023 Fotofestiwal 2023 - save the date! 15-25.06.2023 Fotofestiwal 2023 - save the date! 15-25.06.2023 Fotofestiwal 2023 - save the date! 15-25.06.2023 Fotofestiwal 2023 - save the date! 15-25.06.2023 Fotofestiwal 2023 - save the date!



Fotofestiwal 2023 Open Call finalists!

From a record number of applications, we have selected the winners of the Open Calla! Check out who we will see in this year’s Open Program.


Fotofestiwal 2023!

We have some important information 🙂 In 2023 Fotofestiwal will start on Thursday, June 15, right after the long weekend and will last until June 25th.


Fotofestiwal joins the Fortepan Method project

Together we will create an international digital archive of the 20th century consisting of photos from the private collections. The Fortepan Archive began many years ago in Budapest. It was inspired by a plastic bag full of anonymous photographs found in a dumpster in Budapest.


“Family Connections” Open Call

Fotofestiwal, in partnership with EU Neighbours East, invites professional photographers from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to enter an EU-funded photo contest on the theme of “Family Connections”.


Futures Photography Annual Event

⁠One exhibition, three talks, five workshops, twenty curators and one hundred artists! From 4 to 6 November the best talents of european photography and heads of major international contemporary photography institutions will meet at Camera Centro Italiano per la Fotografia for the FUTURES Annual Event.⁠ ⁠


Open call 2023 announced!

We are looking for artists with unique personalities and projects presenting bold visions. Selected projects will be shown at Fotofestiwal 2023!


Thank you!

It was an amazing festival!


Third week of the festival

The unveiling of perhaps the most original mural in Łódź, a discussion about large housing estates with blocks of flats and the role of architecture in designing healthy communities, and a lot of music – the third week of Fotofestiwal is about to begin.


No ba! Online film screening

Starting from today, you can watch online a film whose last year’s screening filled with audience the Flea Market at Dolna-Ceglana marketplace. Produced by Fotofestiwal, NO BA! GROZI ZAWALENIEM LUB OŚWIECENIEM/DANGER OF COLLAPSE OR ENLIGHTENMENT, FOR SURE by Łukasz z Bałut will be available until 26 June.


Second week of the festival!

The opening weekend of the festival is behind us, but there is still a lot to see and experience: vernissages, curatorial tours. arranging artistic puzzles, a dance party with curators, coordinators and producers behind a DJ and… organized doing nothing! The photo festival continues.


Announcement of the results of the Photographic Publication of the Year 2021

The opening of Fotofestiwal is at the same time the announcement of the results of the Photographic Publication of the Year and an award in a new category – the PDF Book Mockup. In this year’s contest, 56 publications and 34 designs were submitted. Here is the list of winners.


Fotofestiwal opening weekend!

This year’s Fotofestiwal’s theme is COMMUNITY. Therefore, accompanying events will be just as important as exhibitions, planned with inspiring meetings and creative interactions in mind. These include Neighbours’ Photo Studio, music Festival of All Cultures at Piotrkowska Street, a tour of artistic Łódź or discussions on the possibility of agreement between cultures with different values.


Festival warm-up

We know that you can’t wait for the opening of the festival and that you are kicking your heels impatiently at the very thought of exhibition openings. Relax. The City Program partner galleries come to your rescue, as they are inviting you to the opening of their photographic exhibitions already this week.


​​Fotofestiwal opening day!

Join us for the opening of the 21 st Fotofestiwal and a special neofolk concert, this Thursday at 19:00.


Future Talents 2022

Futures Photography is an international photography platform created by European galleries, photography festivals and museums. Every year, each institution invites 5 female artists to cooperate. We are pleased to announce the names of the photographers we will be working with this year. The first joint event – in June at the festival.


Premieres of films produced as part of Fotofestiwal!

ilms that were made specifically for us. These films address the most recent events in Poland and Europe and this is what makes them so special. We are presenting their trailers here and you are welcome to watch the full versions premiere in Łódź in less than a month.


We already know the participants of this year’s PHOTO-MATCH!

See who’s in.


Solidarity, community, care

Ukraine and Belarus. As part of these activities, we will host, among others, the Month of Photography in Minsk and Odesa Photo Days – two festivals that, due to the war in Ukraine and the repressive Belarusian regime, could not take place as usual in their home countries.


PHOTO MATCH 2022 started!

Fotofestiwal calls for a one of a kind Portfolio Review. After several successful editions, we are coming back to our live and surprising formula in 2022. The submissions for this year’s PHOTO-MATCH – a completely different portfolio review are now open! If you would like to participate and introduce your work to our reviewers, submit until the 12th of May. 


Photographic Publication of the Year competition has already started! (new deadline: 25 May)

Each year, Fotofestiwal begins with the announcement of the Photographic Publication of the Year – and in less than two months, it will happen again. This year, however, there will also be a jury that will award works in two categories: Photographic Publication of the Year 2022 – for books published in 2021 and PDF Book Mockup contest – for photo book designers. We have just started accepting contest entries!


Festival program announced

This year’s Fotofestiwal will touch upon the topic of COMMUNITIES, which unexpectedly has become closer to us in the face of recent events in Europe. And as a result of these events, we decided to update our program and invite festivals from Belarus and Ukraine to exhibit in Łódź. We will invite you to a kind of tri-festival between June 9 and 26 to Łódź, and today we are announcing part of our program.


Fotofestiwal 2022 Open Call Finalists!

From among 962 projects, the international jury selected works by seven artists, whose projects we will be able to see at exhibitions during the Fotofestiwal in 2022 (June 9-26, 2022).


OPEN CALL 2022 – new deadline: 29.12.2021

An Open Call for Fotofestiwal Open Program gives you an opportunity to present your works to the audience of the International Festival of Photography held in June 2022 in Łódź (Poland).