Friday evening, 6 May, will be closed with slideshows. We invite specialists to work on the programme every year. This year, this task has been given to editors of online photo magazines. We will have a chance to see the special Fotofestiwal selection of works presented last year in 1000 Words Magazine, Poncz Magazine and Lapsus Magazine.
A series of curator presentations during night slideshows was started two years ago. Its basic goal is to follow interesting people of the contemporary world of photography – curators, and, most of all, artists.
Slideshows are created exclusively for Fotofestiwal. Perfect selection of works by curators and carefully picked music result in unique presentations.
1000 Words Magazine (UK)
JH Engström, Wells
Anna Linderstam, The Unheard Contradictions
Viviane Sassen, Flamboya
Curator: Michael Grieve
Lapsus Magazine (Spain)
Damián Ucieda Cortés, Welcome to the Darklands
Martina Hoogland Ivanow, Far Too Close
Nick and Sheila Pye, Enmienda
Curators: Carlos Albalá, Ana Himes
Poncz Magazine (Poland)
Kristoffer Axén, At Sea At Night & How We Evolved From Water
Asger Carlsen, Wrong
Lieko Shiga, CANARY / Lilly
Curators: Maja Dąbrowska, Piotr Winiewicz
montage: Aman Iman Team
partner: University of Łódź
06.05, 9 p.m. Centrum Kultury Kreatywnej – Eternia (Farbiarnia)
Sienkiewicza 65