
original unretouched document from the J.M. Donat Collection

Although we still call our event a festival, it will not look like it always does.

Due to the pandemic, we decided not to organize any shows, workshops, meetings, vernissages and events in the festival centre. We will invite you to a safe, limited tour of the exhibitions. Some of the points of the programme will not take place, but some – together with the exhibitions – will be presented in a high-quality online version.

In response to the current economic situation in Poland, we have also decided to reduce the ticket price to a symbolic amount.

If you wish to experience culture outside the internet, we invite you to Łódź between 6 and 23 August.

Admission to exhibitions will be limited, but we do not project any necessity to book tickets in advance.
Every person visiting the exhibition is obliged to:

a. Wear a mask or a scarf covering their mouth and nose
b. Undergo mandatory body temperature check before entering
c. Disinfect their hands before entering the exhibition
d. Give their phone number and name
e. Visit the exhibition only in accordance with the tour path designated by the Organizer
Exhibitions can be visited individually or in groups.

Groups must be scheduled at least two days before the date of the exhibition by email to To make a reservation, please provide the institution’s address, phone number, email of the group leader, number of people and age of participants.

Last visitors are allowed an hour before the closing time of the centre.

The maximum number of visitors at one time is limited to 60 people, i.e. 15 persons for each room.

The visitors will use the visiting route with one entrance and one exit. It is not possible for people leaving
the centre to meet those entering it. The direction of the visiting route will be shown on infographics.

The elevator has been excluded from regular use, but should you need to use the elevator, please report it
to the security office or the festival office coordinator.

There are toilets on each floor (ladies/gents/disabled). The maximum number of people staying in each
toilet at a time is 1.

There is no cloakroom or deposit at the festival centre, which means that you cannot leave anything in the
space in which the Fotofestiwal is organized.

Visitors are obliged to keep a distance of 2 metres from other people when buying tickets and visiting.
During the first two weekends, there will be two food trucks at Tymienieckiego 3. Each of them will have a
separate zone in which a certain number of people will be allowed.




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Na Fotofestiwal zaprasza Miasto Łódź, Fundacja Edukacji Wizualnej i Łódzkie Centrum Wydarzeń



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Fotofestiwal 2019 Fotofestiwal 2018 Fotofestiwal 2017