Contest Photo-Industrial
The year 1907 saw the opening of the Łódź Power Plant (Łódzka Elektrownia), later called EC 1, which served the city for almost a hundred years. Closed down and practically inaccessible for visitors now, it will soon turn into a significant part of the New City Centre. Modernization will irrevocably change its form, character and use. The aim of the contest is to create a documentation of the EC1 space in its present “raw” industrial state.
With its rich diversity of technical and architectural forms combined with authentic art nouveau ornamental elements, which delighted David Lynch so much, EC1 is but a promised land for photographers. The contest is a perfect opportunity to see and document it. During the contest, EC1 will open its gates for artists. Organizers of the 8th International Festival of Photography and EC1 Łódź Miasto Kultury (EC1 institution - Lodz City of Culture) have made a common effort to encourage artists to seek inspiration in the industrial architecture of Łódź.
I prize 7000 PLN
II prize 2000 PLN
III prize 1000 PLN
Open days in EC1 5-6 (space without exhibition ‘Second Cities’) and 9-10 (space with exhibition ‘Second Cities’) of May, 7.00AM - 2.00PM