12-22.06. Save the date for Fotofestiwal 2025! 12-22.06. Save the date for Fotofestiwal 2025! 12-22.06. Save the date for Fotofestiwal 2025! 12-22.06. Save the date for Fotofestiwal 2025! 12-22.06. Save the date for Fotofestiwal 2025! 12-22.06. Save the date for Fotofestiwal 2025! 12-22.06. Save the date for Fotofestiwal 2025!
Ukrainian Photo Books

Ukrainian Photo Books

Art_Inkubator, Tymienieckiego 3
13.06, 19:00-22:00 (last entry at 21:30)
Fri-Sun 10:00–20:00 (last entry at 21:30)
Mon-Thu 14:00–20.00 (last entry at 19:30)
pass PLN 50, normal/regular ticket PLN 30/10, free admission for children under 12 and guardian with a group of over 10 children

The exposition is  a part of big analysis of photo books in Ukraine and demonstrates how private initiatives form an alternative market and platform for communication; visualizes how self-publishing becomes a powerful reflection on contemporary events and a project of archiving social changes documented through photography.


For the past thirty years, Ukraine has been in the process of forming and strengthening Ukrainian identity after a long period of occupation and the existence of the Soviet Union. This is not only a socio-political process, but also a process of restoration of cultural identity. Since the 2000s, interest in the publication of art books has begun, the biggest wave of creating photo books begins after 2013. This is also due to the small number of exhibition venues and the lack of specialized events where photography can be presented and/or sold. The book becomes a material embodiment of visual stories, an archive of the author’s reflections and a mobile project for presentation on an international platform.

The next wave of author’s art book publishing in Ukraine is provoked by the global pandemic and lockdown, which stops the work of art centers and museums and thereby provokes the creation of an alternative space for the demonstration of photo series.


Curator: Kateryna Radchenko


Kateryna Radchenko – curator, artists, photography researcher. Based in Ukraine. Since 2015 – founder and director of the international festival Odesa Photo Days. 2023 – World Press Photo Contest jury member (Chair of Europe region)

Curated exhibitions in Ukraine, South Korea, Sweden, Georgia, France, Canada, Austria, Latvia, Poland, The Netherlands, Germany and UK. As an author, she has published articles in several international magazines and online platforms, such as Fotograf, Magenta, EIKON,  British Journal of Photography, FOAM Magazines. In collaboration with the Finnish Museum of Photography wrote the book Images Tells Stories. In 2022 together with Christopher Nunn and Donald Weber published two volumes of The Information Front. She has participated as a Portfolio Reviewer in many different photo festivals such as: Riga Photo Month, Lodz Fotofestiwal, Suwon Photo Festival, Photo Wien, Landskrona Photo Festival, Kranj Photo Festival.



Art_Inkubator, Tymienieckiego 3

DID YOU KNOW THAT Art_Inkubator is located in the former factory of Karol Scheibler II, son of the greatest factory owner in Łódź? 

Every firstborn son in the Scheibler family was named Karol. The factory is a part of Księży Młyn, also called a town in town” or “Polish Manchester”. Scheibler Senior built the largest textile factory in this part of Europe, as well as an estate of workers’ houses, many palaces, hospitals, schools, and parks. Karol Scheibler’s legacy was later developed by Karol Scheibler II, who erected factories at Tymienieckiego and Milionowa Streets. The factory still has the original Russian gauge railway tracks! You will find them near the passage to the new “Fuzja” estate.