For information please contact:
Aleksandra Kietla
tel. 0048 42 684 20 95
mobile: 0048 693 86 00 22
We recommend reading the timetable:
For any further information about accreditations please contact:
Please write your name, surname, editorial office name, e-mail and phone number.
Opening hours (press office):
7-9.05 & Sat-Sun: 9.30-20.00
Tue-Fri: 14.00-18.00
Mon: closed
Ftotfestiwal is centred around the Main Programme exhibition entitled All my lovin’, devoted to family relations and love. Relationships we engage in, family bonds, people we choose to live with or who just happen to be in our lives, are all great material for illustration of the process of shaping our characters. The presented projects abound with humour, passion, fight, history and compromise; there will be a bit of nostalgia and lots of reflection.
Other festival events present a variety of forms of contemporary photography and people who create it. We would like to invite you to tens of photo exhibitions all around the town, curators’ slide shows, meetings with authors, lectures, workshops, and a portfolio review. It will all begin at the main festival weekend, 6-9 May. Łódź Art Center will transform into a unique and bustling festival centre. Once again, the whole 19th-century post-industrial complex of old Scheibler’s factories, and its exhibition area of 12,000 m2 will serve photography in May.
The newsletter of Lodz Art Center for press:
Additional materials:
Fotofestiwal 2010 / short version
Fotofestiwal 2010 / full version
Main Programme / statement & interview with curators
All my lovin’ / about exhibitions
Grand Prix / about exhibitions
Fotofestiwal poster / pdf
Portfolio review poster / pdf
Leaflet / pdf
All my lovin’ / pdf
Love / pdf
Valentine card / 100 dpi, jpg
project: baluty-baluty / press release
If you need logo or high definition images relating to the Fotofestiwal please cotact with:
Aleksandra Kietla
tel. 0048 42 684 20 95
mobile: 0048 693 86 00 22