Call for Photographers - International Portfolio Review in Vienna


3. International Portfolio Review in Vienna
26/27 November 2010

The 3rd International Portfolio Review in Vienna enables photographers who are active in the areas of art and documentarism to directly exchange views with a number of renown specialists. The anika handelt Gallery has once again invited local and international curators, art directors, publishers, gallery owners, and festival organizers to provide feedback in one to one conversations. The International Portfolio Review is the ideal opportunity for networking – in the best case scenario convincing work finds its way via this process into exhibitions, is published in magazines, or artists are invited to photography festivals. The Review will take place at the Kunstahalle site project space karlsplatz.

All photographers whose work exhibits a project and oeuvre relatedness as well as showing independent artistic ideas can take part. Commercially commissioned works are not desired. There are no limitations as to age or nationality. The conversations will take place in German or English.

Submission deadline: 31 October 2010
Further information about registration procedures and fees at:

anika handelt Galerie, Yppenplatz 5, 1160 Vienna
Opening hours: Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and by arrangement

anika stands for free photographic projects.
anika advises, conceives, exhibits, organizes, sells.
anika acts.

Further enquiries:
Mag.a Michaela Obermair,

Updates: Kamikaze