Eléonore Lubna / Louis Matton
Eléonore Lubna / Louis Matton
Eléonore Lubna / Louis Matton
Eléonore Lubna / Louis Matton
Ipáamamu – Stories of Wawaim
Ipáamamu – Stories of Wawaim is a collaborative photographic investigation carried out forty years after the failure of the filming of Werner Herzog’s Fitzcarraldo in the Alto Marañon region of Peru. The “Herzog event”, is considered as an example in the crystallisation of the colonial gaze, questioning how the complex process of building a collective identity for the Awajúns and Wampis evolves with each new struggle. Starting from their refusal to become an image of a painful part of the history of the colonised Amazonian rainforest; Matton, Lubna and the members of the Wawaim Native Community wish to tell together the political, strategic and cultural means used by the indigenous people in their permanent battle to defend their cosmopolitics.
curator: Sergio Valenzuela Escobedo
17.06, 15:00 guided tour | language: English
The project Ipáamamu – Stories of Wawaim, carried out since 2016 in Peru, has been produced thanks to the Centre Photographique d’Île-de-France, the Centre National des Arts Plastiques CNAP and the Fondation des artistes.