KARMA SHE, Hyper_matter / JD Kolizja – Fotofestiwal in Biedermann’s Factory
Tickets 20 PLN / Fotofestiwal fullpass – free
Feel invited to a new location on the clubbing and cultural map of Łódź. Let’s see the exhibitions, listen to good music and dance. In short, let us enjoy just another extraordinary Fotofestiwal night.
22:00 Slideshows:
→ FUTURES Talents 2023. Projects by six artists invited by Fotofestiwal to collaborate as a part of the Futures platform: Ihar Hancharuk, Kinga Wrona, Lisa Bukreyeva, Marcin Kruk, Marysia Myanovka
→ Finalists of Young Italian Photography
→ HOPE-CHANGE-LOOOVE by Erik Vroons, An audio-visual potpourri of the 21st century image culture set on three keywords: hope, change and love – hosted by Dutch Ocular Resistance Movement. Its mission: there is no mission. Let the sun shine in*.
00:00 Performance and a DJ set by Karma She,
Hyper_matter / JD Kolizja DJ set
KARMA SHE is a progressive witch who mixes her potions using mystical booty rhythms, musical spices of the Middle East and seductive vocals. She brings her music to the dancefloor and invites the audience into her psychedelic universe of extrasensory musical experience. Hailing from Jerusalem, currently based between Berlin and Alentejo, she is a co-founder of Free My Fairy, a collective of conscious lovers of nature and rave.
Hyper_matter / JD Kolizja is a multimedia and graphic artist, as well as a DJ. Her club sets are a highly energetic fusion of intense stimuli which break the barriers of genre. Fast tempo, futuristic percussion, exotic drums, and deep bases are all characteristic elements to her tracks.
[* this slideshow might contain controversial content, but nothing that should really hurt or damage anyone’s soul for very long.]