Czynna Gallery “BezCzynna” – meeting
Overproduction, surplus, oversupply, overcompletion, surplus, overgrowth, hypertrophy, excess, overflow, overload … There are many reasons that decided that Active will turn into Inactive.
Although Active is not identified with passivity, passivity, immobility, poetessness, deadness, impotence, indolence, apathy, stagnation, inertia, niggle, numbness, inertia, inertia, stagnation, stagnation, idleness, immobility, lethargy, lethargy, indolence, indolence reluctance to act …
… this time we want to invite you to a mysterious place where we will not be doing anything together. Sometimes fellowship, solidarity, and support are about withdrawing from the act yourself and making it possible for others. Let’s do it together and we will pass the budget for the exhibition to the Ukrainian artist of our choice. We will announce her / his name on the spot.
The Czynna Gallery (Ogórek / Polak / Załuski) is a guerrilla self-organizing and alternative institutional undertaking. Our goal is to implement short-term artistic and artistic-social events in spaces that do not have to be related to art, but are interesting, accessible and fit the given concept. The Active Gallery was born out of a pissed-off. It is open irregularly, rather sporadically, after hours, whenever something is happening there.