Watch this season’s most interesting films devoted to photography and more.
Films about photography
Free entrance to all screenings
16.06, 6:30 PM, Polish and English subtitles
Shooting the Mafia, dir. Kim Longinotto, USA 2019, 94’
Art_Inkubator, theater room
+ introduction by Veronici Daltrii.
The story of the life and work of Letizia Battaglia – a cult Italian photo journalist, the first person to spend years documenting the brutal murders and the influence of the Sicilian mob on the lives of ordinary citizens.
18.06, 7 PM
Candy wraps…/Papierki z cukierków…, dir. S. Czyżewski, M. Gołąb, Poland 2018, 53’, premiere
Art_Inkubator, theater room
The authors follow the road marked out by Zofia Rydet during her photographic journeys. The material she gathered on the way turned into her opus magnum, now know as the Sociological Record cycle.
25.06, 7 PM, Polish subtitles
Films accompanying exhibitions
Photon, dir. Norman Leto, Poland 2017, 107’
Motyl UŁ, 21 Sienkiewicza St., room 313, 3rd floor
Another look at the newest work by the visual artist Norman Leto, this time from the perspective of this year’s topic of the Fotofestiwal, and exhibitions such as Hypothesis by Henrik Spohler.
27.06, 7 PM, Polish subtitles
Looking for Jesus, dir. Katarzyna Kozyra, Poland 2017, 73’
Art_Inkubator, theater room
The artist meets with people suffering from an intense paranoid disorder, known as the Jerusalem syndrome. The people it affects claim to be various Biblical characters, most often the Messiah.
28.06, 9:30 PM
Mold – How Long Can You Pretend That Nothing’s Going On?
Motyl UŁ, 21 Sienkiewicza St., column hall, 1st floor
dir. Moryc Helms, 69’; black comedy, for adult viewers only
This will undoubtedly be the most bizarre event at the Fotofestiwal. Mold/Pleśń is a remix of fragments of B-horror movies, and afterimages of the old VHS tapes – a creation about the supposedly supernatural and the dubiously spiritual – with dialogues and commentary created live by the director. The screening will be set in the unique Motyl UŁ building, which will undergo a special transformation for the evening.