Johan Sjöström

Johan Sjöström is the curator of exhibitions at Gothenburg Museum of Art in Sweden. The museum is one of the most important institutions for art in Scandinavia and the collections and the temporary exhibitions have a broad range; from Renaissance to international contemporary art, photography and new media.

Mr. Sjöström has curated 40 museum shows with artists like Bruce Nauman, Laurie Simmons, Esko Männikkö, Isaac Julien, Lara Baladi and Yto Barrada at venues such as BildMuseet at Umea University, Göteborgs Konsthall, and the Gothenburg Museum of Art. He has been invited to curate exhibitions, review and lecture at numerous international photo events including European Central Bank Annual Photography Award, Germany; Rencontres d’Arles in France; FotoFest in Houston; FotoFest in Moscow, Russia; Fotofestiwal Lodz in Poland; Odense FotoTriennal in Denmark; Rhubarb-Rhubarb in Birmingham, UK; FotoBild in Berlin, Germany; Artphoto Image Festival in Bucharest, Romania; Bratislava Month of Photography in Slovakia; Skábmagovat in Inari, Finland and FotoFest in Beijing, China. He has been lecturing on photography at the Hunter College of the City University of New York; Umea University, Sweden; Hanoi Academy of Fine Arts, Vietnam; Chung-Ang University, South Korea, Gothenburg University, Sweden, and Abo Akademi, Finland. He has contributed to magazines including “Source”, “Artphoto”, “fotoMAGAZIN”, “Pavilion Magazine” and “Paletten”, and is also the editor of several publications including Laurie Simmons, Red, Yellow and Blue; Close Your Eyes And Tell Me What You See; History Acts; A Good Idea; Lara Baladi, Kai’ro; The Politics of Place and Head North. Additionally, he curated the Bucharest Biennale in 2008.


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