Anne-Françoise Lesuiss

Anne-Françoise Lesuisse is the coordinator of the Visual Arts Department at Les Chiroux – Cultural Center of Liège (B) since 2007 and also the artistic director since 2010 of BIP (Biennial of the Possible Image, previously known as the Biennial of Photography and Visual Arts, Liège). Graduated from the University of Liège, she holds a PhD. in Cinema Studies. She taught at the University of Liège and Université Paris III – La Sorbonne Nouvelle. Currently, she’s involved in various workshops with Master students in higher artistic education (Video Art Department of the Academy of Fine Arts, Liège; Photography Department of KASK, Gent).
She regularly writes for catalogues, artist’s books and magazines. She also works as an independent curator on various projects including contemporary art as well as photography and video.


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