Although it’s still 10 days to the Fotofestiwal opening, first photographic exhibitions are opening this week in Łódź. Gallery Pod Napięciem at the Lodz University of Technology and Galeria Wschodnia has already invited to their exhibitions, and on Thursday and Friday we’re attending another events! We invite you to Łódź galleries and we encourage you to explore our website: HERE you will find a full list of exhibitions as part of the festival.
Thursday 14.06
6 p.m., opening, Dawid Furkot, Samoopalacz, Bar Anna, Tuwima 1
Friday 15.06
5 p.m., Przyszłość wspomnień/ Future of Memories, opening, , group exhibition, Museum of the City of Lodz, mirror room, Ogrodowa 15
6 p.m., opening, Łukasz Prus-Niewiadomski, Plantacja złota/ Gold Plantation, Palm House at the Botanical Garden in Łódź, Piłsudskiego 61
7:30 p.m., opening, Tomasz Wysocki, Smak Wiśni/Taste of Cherry, CH-R Sukcesja, al. Politechniki 1, art studio, office 0.24, (level 0)
Wednesday 20.06.
4:30 p.m., meeting with authors, Hanna Musiałek, Jan Kazimierz Barnaś, Zaczyn, Galeria Pod Napięciem, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science and Automation, Politechnika Łódzka, Stefanowskiego 18/22, building a10
6 p.m., opening, Konrad Kuzyszyn, Postnature, Galeria Olimpus, Kościuszki 24
8 p.m., opening, Dominika Sadowska, Widok wystawy/ View of the exhibition, Art Collection Point, Struga 90
Thursday 21.06.
5 p.m., opening of the exhibition, Salons of Photography: Salon, collective exhibition of Lecturers, Students and Graduates of the Film School in Łódź, Art Propaganda Center, Sienkiewicza 44 (Sienkiewicz Park)