Can you imagine a photobook that plays with you or that is a sculpture? Can you imagine a sculpture that is a book, a performance, something that requires you to act? The exhibition presents 7 various examples that invite us to non-standard interaction with a book, related to its form, history, author’s intention or its status as an object-sculpture.
Books and works presented at the exhibition:
Smile!, Rick Hekman
DOM (Document Object Model), Julia Borissova
In Almost Every Picture #11, Erik Kessels
Handbook to the stars, Peter Puklus
Cosmic Surgery, Alma Haser
Sans titre, Mr. Bertillon, Stephanie Solinas
Design: DOH
Curator: Franek Ammer
Place: Book Art Museum, Tymienieckiego 24
Exhibition open: 02.06-11.06: Mond-Sun: 10.00-18.00
The exhibition will be accompanied by a walk&talk: 03.06, 21:00