Alessandro Destro (Italy)

Suspect Behaviour

I developed this major body of work during the course for a Master’s degree in documentary photography I attended from the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2008. Throughout this period of time I explored a great number of cities, towns and even small villages in South Wales. As a foreigner, I did not want to produce a precise statement on the post-industrial conditions of the landscape. My aim was to find and show the dreamlike situations that this landscape was able to disclose. I acted as a broken-meanings hunter.

The words written by Peter Galassi to describe the first Henry Cartier-Bresson’s methodology can plainly summarize my photographic practice:

“Alone the surrealist wanders in the streets without destination but with a premeditated alertness for the unexpected detail that will release a marvellous irresistible reality just below the banal surface of ordinary experience.”

Alessandro Destro

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